Chilling with Cartoon Compilations
When you dunno what to do,
it’s good to watch a bunch of cartoons.
When you dunno what to do,
it’s good to watch a bunch of cartoons.
(Writer’s note: I’d originally written this around the end of March 2024, but a technical issue with the site meant I wasn’t able to upload this in time. I’d posted it on my personal blog until that had been cleared up, with the hope that I might be able to write something else in the …
Read moreDragon Ball: The Path to Power (1996 – Dir: Shigeyasu Yamauchi): A Cartoon Review
A good film, but one I didn’t care for in the end. [CONTAINS SPOILERS]
An attempt at discussing animation from a technical perspective.
The first article by guest writer MalcmanIsHere, featuring many cartoon recommendations!
You won’t like every cartoon, and that’s okay.
A very cool and confident cartoon worth watching, but not one that I love. [CONTAINS SPOILERS]
With only a few weeks left in the year, it’s worth remembering the good you find.